Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Quality of Light ! 23/05/2011

After the thinking about the point that i need to improve, i found some good examples of using light and form in a building by Louis kahn. I have a strong feeling about the light and form present in his building.

 Sofe Light (Diffused and reflected light)
 Light and shadow- simple but different experience.
 Irregular pattern of light
Building facade.....What can i do with my building to make it feel the charater of Dragonfly ?
-Texture to show weightless charater of dragonfly?

Reflection after Project 02 12/05/2011

There are some reflections after the project 02 presentation :
1) How can I enchance the use of light in whole buildig?
2) What is the quality of light in this building?
3) How do my building reflect the quality of my concept- Dragonfly?
4) Better coordination of Plan .....
5) Drawing- Elevation, Section....
6) Detail site analysis...

There are the point that i can imorove in the next Project,
Its time to think ...... 

Sunday, 8 May 2011